Through different surgical methods that are very similar to dermabrasion, black gums can be pink again and you can restore your healthy smile. If you notice dark or discolored gums, it is best to consult your dentist to make sure there are no underlying causes that should be of concern.
Gums that turn black completely or in certain places can be explained by many causes. Some are not serious, and the black spot on the gum will resolve on its own. Others require you to consult your dentist or doctor as quickly as possible, because they require immediate medical attention.
Skin color
Melanin is a dark pigment that gives skin its color. This natural pigment is also present in the gums and can therefore darken them. Thus, pigmentation of the gums by melanin is common in people of African, Asian and Mediterranean origin. The color variation may be on one side or both sides of the mouth, and it may be uniform or in spots. Melanin pigmentation of the gums is normal, and no treatment is necessary.
The consequence of trauma
Just as a fall can create injuries at the various points of contact, a hematoma or bruise (a "bruise" in common parlance) can appear after trauma to the jaw. Furthermore, ingesting a food with sharp edges (for example a chip or fresh bread with the crust), brushing your teeth too hard or using dental floss incorrectly can also cause blue, purple, or black stains. on your gums. Bruising usually resolves without medical treatment. On the other hand, if you suffer from repeated bruising without any apparent cause, and bleeding from the gums and nose, this may be a sign of a more serious pathology. In this case, consult your doctor.
Coloring caused by amalgam
During the treatment of dental caries, an amalgam deposit may have remained on the gum and caused the appearance of a very dark black spot. Dentists then speak of “chromatic pigmentation linked to a restoration”. Black spots caused by amalgam deposits cannot be removed, but they are not serious.
An oral nevus
A nevus is simply a mole. It usually appears during childhood or adolescence and is more common in girls. It can be black or blue. Its presence on the gum is not serious if it does not change. The dentist diagnoses the nevus by a simple clinical examination.
Nevi do not require treatment. However, if their shape, color, or size changes, it will be urgent to consult a dental surgeon to determine its nature and ensure that it is not a melanoma.
A melanoma
In the majority of cases, melanoma is a fairly invasive and rapidly growing skin cancer, which appears on areas exposed to the sun. However, it can also occur in the mouth. It then takes the form of a pigmented spot with often irregular contours located on the oral mucosa or gums. If you observe such a stain, consult a dental surgeon as soon as possible so that a diagnosis can be made, and the necessary treatment implemented quickly.