TMJ stands for temporomandibular joint, which is your jaw joint.TMJ syndrome or TMD, temporomandibular disorder, is a medical problem related to the function of this jaw joint.
TMJ stands for temporomandibular joint, which is your jaw joint. Everyone has two of these: both left and right. TMJ syndrome or TMD, temporomandibular disorder, is a medical problem related to the function of this jaw joint. The symptoms are usually a popping, clicking, or rustling in your jaw joint and can be accompanied by jaw joint or muscle pain, headaches, a jaw that locks in position or is difficult to open, ringing in the ears, and even numbness in your face and fingertips.
Implant Dentistry and Periodontics understands the issues around TMJ treatment. We offer an expansive range of different periodontal and dental implant services that can benefit all patients. Our conscientious staff focuses on providing superior service for your overall oral health. We will address your dental procedure in a quiet and stress-free environment, and we will approach your unique dental care as an important partner on your health care team. If you have questions about the benefits of TMJ treatment for yourself, call our Indianapolis office at 317-574-0600 or our Fishers office at 317-842-2273 to schedule your appointment today.
What Typically Causes TMJ?
Your TMJ disorder can develop and be the result of a variety of factors, including the following:
- Bruxism, the grinding of your teeth
- A dislocated joint
- A jaw injury
- A neck injury
- A filling or a crown that were incorrectly placed
- A malocclusion or bad bite alignment
The Causes of TMJ and Stress
TMJ problems in some cases are caused by a blow to your face or arthritis in your jaw joint. But most often TMJ pain is related to your genetic predisposition and stress level. TMJ tends to cluster in high stress professions and is more likely to occur when you are experiencing a high level of stress. This stress leads to teeth grinding and clenching and the associated head, neck, and shoulder pain.
TMJ Problems More Prevalent in Women
TMJ pain is also approximately four times more common in women than it is in men. Women will report more TMJ symptoms and often have associated headache and jaw clenching problems. Men will report less pain and discomfort, but teeth grinding is much more likely to be evident.
At Implant Dentistry and Periodontics, we offer a wide range of periodontal and dental implant services. Our caring and compassionate team has one collective priority and that is your smile.
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The Types of TMJ Disorders to Diagnose
There are three broad categories of TMJ disorders:
- Myogenous: Myogenous TMJ accounts for over 80% of all TMJ disorders and the symptoms are discomfort and pain in the shoulder, neck, temples, and jaws. The TMJ treatment is a combination of BOTOX and custom fit nightguards.
- Jaw joint generated pain: This is caused by internal derangement, such as a displaced disc, dislocated jaw, and/or injured condyles.
- Degenerative joint disease: The development of rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis, and other degenerative diseases of the joints can result in TMJ developing.
Most TMJ disorders can be treated by Implant Dentistry and Periodontics, however degenerative joint disease or internal derangements may require a physician to become involved.
The Diagnosis of TMJ at Implant Dentistry and Periodontics
TMJ problems are usually diagnosed through a detailed examination. We will look for evidence of TMJ on the teeth, gums, mouth, and tongue, palpate the muscles of your head, neck, and shoulders to determine the level of any tenderness, measure your lower jaw range of motion, conduct a scan of your jaw joints using a JVA, joint vibration analysis, and perform diagnostic imaging, MRI, or cone-beam x-rays.
The TMJ Treatment Options
There are several treatment options available for TMJ. To determine which treatment option is best for you, an evaluation is necessary to determine the root cause of your TMJ. If the root cause is due to the improper placement of fillings or crowns, we can easily begin treatment by removing and replacing the filling or crown to see if symptoms improve. If your issue appears to be related to stress, we will encourage you to consider some certain lifestyle changes, such as trying to practice yoga, meditating, and other self-care practices.
In rare cases, surgical intervention that involves replacing the jaw joint disc may be necessary, or a series of procedures utilizing several crowns may be performed to rebuild your bite, but most of the time TMJ can be improved or treated through the following methods.
- Custom Fit Nightguard A custom fit nightguard is one of the most common and successful treatment options. To maximize your results and increase your chances of successfully treating your TMJ, it is critical that you have a nightguard that is customized to fit your mouth. One of the primary reasons a custom fit nightguard is so important versus a one size fits all option is because everyone has a different dental structure, and TMJ can present itself differently in your case. You may be primarily clenching, whereas another patient may be grinding, and a third might be clenching and grinding. Although it will be a little costlier and time consuming to have a custom guard designed, it is best to seek treatment that is designed to meet your unique needs.
- BOTOX Treatment Another effective treatment for TMJ pain is BOTOX. Dental BOTOX involves injecting BOTOX into your tightened facial muscles, which in turn relaxes these muscles and then alleviates pain and discomfort. BOTOX treatment can also help address nighttime clenching. If you pursue dental BOTOX treatment for your TMJ we will we collaborate with a certified dentist to temporarily alleviate discomfort.
Earning your Trust with High Quality Periodontal Care
When you schedule an evaluation for TMJ treatment with our thorough staff at Implant Dentistry and Periodontics, you will be impressed with the level of professionalism in our office and the pride we display with the advanced dental technology at our disposal in our office. We are very detail orientated and thorough because we understand how totally unique and different each of us really are. We are conscientious and thoughtful in creating your personalized treatments, to ensure success that works for your desires and budget. The entire team focuses on the correction of your healthy smile, so every dental procedure we perform is with your best interests and oral health in mind.
At Implant Dentistry and Periodontics, our clinic has a stress-free, relaxing, and comfortable atmosphere, and we want you to be confident with our abilities and services. Scheduling an appointment for a TMJ treatment evaluation is a beneficial important step towards being proactive in your oral health and regaining your healthy smile, healthy teeth, and gums. To schedule an appointment, call our Indianapolis office, 8801 North Meridian St., Suite 103, Indianapolis, at 317-574-0600 or our Fishers office, 9885 E. 116th St, Suite 300, Fishers, at 317-842-2273.