Gum Grafting
Indianapolis & Fishers, IN

At Implant Dentistry and Periodontics, we offer a wide range of periodontal and dental implant services. Our caring and compassionate team has one collective priority and that is your smile.

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Gum Grafting
Indianapolis & Fishers, IN

At Implant Dentistry and Periodontics, we offer a wide range of periodontal and dental implant services. Our caring and compassionate team has one collective priority and that is your smile.

A gum graft, also known as a gingival graft or periodontal plastic surgery, is a collective name for several surgical periodontal procedures whos’ intent is to cover an exposed tooth root surface with grafted oral tissue.

A gum graft, also known as a gingival graft or periodontal plastic surgery, is a collective name for several surgical periodontal procedures whos’ intent is to cover an exposed tooth root surface with grafted oral tissue.

A gum graft refers to a variety of surgical procedures which when performed thicken your existing gums, and possibly cover an exposed tooth root surface to prevent any further gum recession. There are several potential causes for exposed roots but the most common of which is gum disease. It can also be the result of overly aggressive tooth brushing.

Implant Dentistry and Periodontics can help you with any of the gum grafting procedures. We offer a wide range of different and important periodontal and dental implant services. Our compassionate staff focuses meticulously on a goal of providing you the absolute best quality service for your overall oral health. We will work with you in a peaceful, relaxing environment, and approach your dental care as an important partner on your health care team. If you would like to have an evaluation about the potential of a gum grafting procedure, call our Indianapolis office at 317-574-0600 or our Fishers office at 317-842-2273 to schedule your appointment today.

In addition to improving the look of your smile, having a gum grafting procedure performed can protect your teeth from effects commonly associated with gum recession. Exposed tooth roots are often the result of gingival recession due to gum disease.  There are other common causes such as unscheduled trauma.

Edwards Christman

Award Winning Periodontics
in Indianapolis and Fishers

Dedication to providing the best periodontal care to Indianapolis and Fishers isn't just something Drs. Edwards and Christman talk about. They are board certified periodontist, which means they have gone above and beyond what most periodontists do to master his field of work. They have sought out further education to bring the most promising new treatments to their patients.

The Most Common Types of Gum Grafting

We offer four distinctly different gum grafts that can be performed based upon your specific needs, which include the following:

  • Allograft- An allograft is an alternative material that is not harvested from your tissue. The material is from donated human tissue that has been medically processed. You will experience less pain, as you do not need to have tissue removed from your palate to make a graft.
  • Free Gingival Grafts. A free gingival graft involves using tissue from your palate, or the roof of your mouth. A small portion of tissue is taken from the roof of your mouth and attached to the affected gum area. This procedure is effective if you already have thin gums and require additional tissue to make the gum area larger.
  • Connective-tissue Grafts. This type of graft treatment is effective if you have exposed roots. We begin by cutting a flap of skin at the roof of your mouth and removing the connective tissue from underneath the flap, where it is then sutured to the gum tissue that surrounds the exposed root. Once the graft is removed, the flap at the roof of the mouth is also sutured closed.
  • Pedicle Grafts. In cases where you have sufficient gum tissue near the affected tooth, a graft may be created using the excessive gum rather than tissue from the roof of your mouth. The flap of gum tissue is partially cut away with an edge remaining attached to the gumline. The gum is then stretched to cover the area where the root is exposed. This gum tissue is then sewn into place.

Are You a Candidates for Gum Grafting?

Although gum grafting might sound like an intimidating procedure, with the modern advances in techniques and materials we have at Implant Dentistry and Periodontics, it can be quick and painless. There are many benefits associated with having the procedure performed. After your gum graft, you can begin to enjoy:

  • Reduced Tooth Sensitivity: Because your gum graft will cover the sensitive exposed root, you may notice that your teeth will become less sensitive to both hot and cold.
  • Improved Aesthetic Appearance: If you experience gum recession you may feel self-conscious about your smile because your teeth can appear to be longer than normal. By having a gum graft procedure performed, your teeth will appear shorter and more symmetrical, which will improve the overall perception of your smile.
  • Better Gum Health: The most important benefit associated with having a gum graft is that by doing so you can prevent the progression of gum disease. A gum graft may play a critical role in you avoiding future bone loss or even the extraction of a tooth.
IDP - Mark White

At Implant Dentistry and Periodontics, we offer a wide range of periodontal and dental implant services. Our caring and compassionate team has one collective priority and that is your smile.

Contact Our Team Today

Gum Grafting Post Procedure

To facilitate your healing process, it is essential to follow post-procedure instructions from Implant Dentistry and Periodontics. We will advise you to avoid hard foods for at least one or two weeks following your procedure and to avoid any foods or liquids that are extremely hot or extremely cold. We may also prescribe pain medication or antibiotics to help avoid infection, to speed up the recovery process, and to alleviate any discomfort you might experience. If you follow these suggestions, your gum graft will heal within one or two weeks.

The most important thing you can do following your successful gum graft is to continue to practice good oral hygiene habits at home. Brush your teeth twice daily and for at least two minutes each time. Also continue flossing regularly. We may also recommend antimicrobial mouth rinses.

Along with these important oral hygiene practices, to continue to enjoy your healthy smile, be sure you also continue scheduling regular visits at Implant Dentistry and Periodontics every six months. During these routine checkups, we can conduct deep cleanings and monitor the overall state of your oral health, complimenting your efforts and catching issues before they develop.

State of the Art Technology
For Advanced Periodontics

Offering the best periodontal care in the world requires the most advanced technology in the world. Drs. Edwards and Christman are always in search of new ways to provide patients with better results and do it in a way that minimizes pain and recovery time. They are also happy to take up technologies that make it easier to communicate with patients and allow us to do our jobs in more environmentally friendly ways.

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Earning your Trust with High Quality Periodontal Care

When you visit our wonderful staff at Implant Dentistry and Periodontics, you will be engulfed in professionalism and a friendly team that has the most advanced dental technology at our disposal. We are quite conscientious and thoughtful because we understand exactly how different and unique each patient really is. We deliberately plan specific personalized treatments that work for your desires and budget. We wish to place value back into your undervalued personal asset, your smile, so every dental service we perform is with your best interests and oral health in mind.

At Implant Dentistry and Periodontics, we are exceptionally reliable about maintaining a relaxed and comfortable clinic, and we want you to be confident in our consistency in our abilities and services. Scheduling an appointment for a potential gum grafting procedure is an important step towards being proactive in your oral health and regaining your healthy smile. To schedule an appointment, call our Indianapolis office, 8801 North Meridian St., Ste 103, Indianapolis, at 317-574-0600 or our Fishers office, 9885 E. 116th St, Ste 300, Fishers, at 317-842-2273.