LANAP® is yet another advancement in dental technology offering a gum disease treatment option that uses laser technology to eliminate diseased tissue and infection caused by periodontal disease.
LANAP® is yet another advancement in dental technology offering a gum disease treatment option that uses laser technology to eliminate diseased tissue and infection caused by periodontal disease. It allows for a far less invasive, far more comfortable experience for you than traditional surgery. The Laser-Assisted New Attachment Procedure, or LANAP, Protocol is a method we now can use to regenerate bone tissue around your teeth. This system uses an FDA-cleared laser tool called the PerioLase® MVP-7™. In addition to FDA-clearance, this system has been researched by the dental industry and is an established part of the evidence-based dentistry arsenal.
Since almost 85 percent of American adults have some level of gum disease, timely treatment is a priority. Periodontal disease has been linked to heart attacks, diabetes, some forms of cancer, and other serious systemic conditions. Strengthening your gum health can help you reduce or possibly avoid some long-term health consequences.
Implant Dentistry and Periodontics will help you with your decision when it comes to considering Laser Periodontal Therapy or LANAP. We offer a diverse range of important periodontal and dental implant services to help every patient. Our conscientious staff work together on a team goal of providing you with the best quality service for your overall oral health. We will approach your dental issues in a relaxing, quiet environment, and address your dental care as an important partner on your health care team. If you would like to have an evaluation about the potential of Laser Periodontal Therapy or LANAP to improve your life, call our Indianapolis office at 317-574-0600 or our Fishers office at 317-842-2273 to schedule your appointment today.
Periodontal (gum) disease is a very silent disease presenting few or no symptoms in the early stage. Left untreated this bacterial infection can severely damage your smile. Gum disease is the leading cause of adult tooth loss. We use modern therapies, including Laser Periodontal Therapy or LANAP, to treat your gum disease and revitalize your oral health.
During your checkup and hygiene visit, Implant Dentistry and Periodontics will examine your smile for signs of gum disease. Gingivitis, the mildest form of this infection, is often reversed with a deep cleaning, along with proper daily brushing and flossing at home. Surgery is often needed to resolve more advanced gum disease. But we may not use a surgical scalpel. We most likely will use modern laser dentistry to remove diseased tissue and revitalize gums. Specifically, you will be treated with a procedure called LANAP.
The Benefits of Laser Periodontal Therapy or LANAP
LANAP is less invasive and more comfortable than traditional gum surgery. You will heal faster, and you may resume normal activities immediately following treatment. Because LANAP is performed with a laser, your bleeding is minimal and there is no need for stitches. Laser Periodontal Therapy or LANAP is a conservative treatment that allows us to preserve more of your gum tissue and improve the overall health of your mouth. Here are a few benefits for you:
- Reduced bleeding
- Reduced gum loss
- Reduced pain
- Fewer post-treatment infections
- Patients perceive treatment as faster than traditional surgery
- Patients perceive treatment as more comfortable than traditional surgery
- Reduced sensitivity
- Reduced swelling
- Regeneration of tissues supporting the gums
- Short downtime post-treatment
At Implant Dentistry and Periodontics, we offer a wide range of periodontal and dental implant services. Our caring and compassionate team has one collective priority and that is your smile.
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The Laser Periodontal Therapy Procedure
As your gum disease worsens, the gums separate from your teeth, and pockets will form around the teeth where bacteria flourish. Without timely intervention, you will experience significant damage to your gum tissue, bone degeneration, and inevitably tooth loss. Implant Dentistry and Periodontics can use a laser to remove diseased matter without damaging healthy tissue. Following this laser periodontal therapy, your gum tissue regenerates and reattaches to the tooth to regain a strong and healthy smile.
Developed as shorthand to help you understand the distinction between the LANAP procedure and conventional periodontal surgery, the definition of no cutting, no sewing and no fear will help increase your acceptance of the procedure. By eliminating the fear and anxiety of the procedure, we can now encourage more patients to receive this treatment they need for their advanced periodontal disease.
Implant Dentistry and Periodontics uses the PerioLase® MVP-7™ laser to remove the bacteria and diseased tissue in your pockets. The light from the PerioLase® MVP-7™ is not absorbed by any healthy tissue, bone, or root. This makes the laser gum surgery far less invasive for you.
Next, we will remove the remaining calculus deposits that form beneath your gum line using tiny ultrasonic scalers. The laser is not effective on this step. We apply the laser again at the bottom of the periodontal pocket to stimulate your bone, root, and soft tissue, forming a nice seal around the teeth. This allows the blood to immediately begin clotting, thus creating a nice clean and hygienic environment for healing. We finish by recompressing the tissue against the root surfaces of the teeth without using any sutures.
Finally, Implant Dentistry and Periodontics will evaluate your bite to ensure that the Laser Periodontal Therapy or LANAP did not cause any trauma to your teeth, particularly the ones with bone loss.
Earning your Trust with High Quality Periodontal Care
When you schedule an appointment with our thorough team at Implant Dentistry and Periodontics, you will be impressed with the level of our professionalism and that we are a diligent team that has the most advanced dental technology at our disposal in our clinic. We are exacting and thoughtful because we understand exactly how unique and different each patient is. We take painstaking time working on your personalized treatments, to ensure success that works for your desires and budget. We work extremely hard to establish value back into your undervalued personal asset, your smile, so every dental procedure we perform for you is with only your best interests and oral health in mind.
At Implant Dentistry and Periodontics, our clinic has a relaxing environment, and we want you to be confident in our abilities and services. Scheduling an appointment for a potential Laser Periodontal Therapy or LANAP procedure is a terrific first step towards being proactive in your oral health and regaining your healthy smile. To schedule an appointment, call our Indianapolis office, 8801 North Meridian St., Ste 103, Indianapolis, at 317-574-0600 or our Fishers office, 9885 E. 116th St, Ste 300, Fishers, at 317-842-2273.