Dental Implant Team
A dental implant procedure replaces missing natural tooth roots with tiny, titanium, screwlike posts which function to support an artificial crown that look and function like real ones. Dental implants are a popular alternative to dentures or bridgework that do not fit well, and they have become the new gold standard in dental restorations.
The Reasons for the Increase in Dental Implant Placements
The following demographic trends support and reflect this:
* As technology has continued to improve, the success rate of dental implants is now over 95 percent.
* Implant manufacturers are developing more product innovations that are simplifying the restorative aspect, as well as your comfort and the convenience of your implant therapy.
* Older Americans make up a larger percentage of the U.S. population, about 35 million are 65 years or older. By the year 2050, that number is expected to increase to 48 million.
* Around 30 percent of adults 65 years and older no longer have natural teeth.
* By age 50, most Americans have lost an average of 12 teeth and, with adults 65 to 74 years old, 26 percent are totally without teeth.
* Over three million people in the US have dental implants with over 500,000 placed new each year.
Dental implants could be the solution for you if you:
* Are missing one or more missing teeth.
* Have adequate jawbone density to secure the implants or can receive a bone graft.
* Have healthy oral soft tissues.
* Do not have any health conditions that will affect normal bone healing.
* Are unable or do not want to wear traditional dentures.
* Interested in restoring your healthy smile and to improve your speech.
* Are willing and able to commit several months to the process.
* Do not smoke tobacco.
Success Increases with a Team Approach
Dental implants require planning and coordination between your primary dentist and your oral or maxillofacial surgeon. At your initial exam and consultation, all options will be reviewed. Together, you and your team will develop a personalized plan for your dental implant needs.
When you consider the dental professionals possibly involved in the dental implant process, the entire team might include an oral surgeon, a restorative dentist, a dental hygienist, a dental assistant, a lab technician, the dental business staff, and, if necessary, even an endodontist or an orthodontist. All team members will be included in the communication process throughout your treatment.
A dental implant combines the surgical treatment in placing the implant in the jawbone, and restorative treatment focusing on replace the tooth supported by the implant. Prior to any treatment capturing an x-ray will be mandatory.
The sophistication of the surgical and prosthetic techniques has led to unlimited possibilities for the placement of dental implants. Apart from some drastic medical contraindications, it has become more possible to place implants, even if there is a lack of supporting bone. Results are now higher in terms of success. Success is based on functionality and aesthetic results.
With your dental implant team, a well-trained general dentist might assume the full treatment of simple cases, when you have adequate bone mass, and if the condition of your gums does not require a specialist.
A Basic Dental Implant Team
The basic dental implant team could include:
* A general dentist who is competent in the basic diagnosis and therapy. The role of the restorative dentist is critical as the initial implant team coordinator.
Other responsibilities of the restorative dentist might include:
-Understanding the surgical considerations.
-Directing the referral to the appropriate team member.
-Coordinating surgical placement and restorative treatment planning.
-Orchestrating a complete prosthetic treatment plan.
* A dental nurse trained in surgical assistance and perioperative care.
* A dental hygienist competent in dental implant maintenance.
* A dental technician trained in dental implant technology.
The Dental Implant Team will Communicate and Coordinate for a Successful Implant
After your implant case completion, the dental hygienist will assume the role of coordinator. A thorough assessment will occur at each dental visit and certain issues will be addressed:
* The frequency of your preventative maintenance visits. It will be recommended to maintain exams every six months.
* Your ability to self-report. You will be questioned about your comfort. Any pain or sensitivity should be brought to the attention of your dentist as soon as possible.
* Your home oral health care practices will be reviewed, and suggestions made if improvements are necessary.
* Clinical evaluations will regularly include a mobility check of the artificial crown and implant structure. A palpation of surrounding tissue to evaluate the tissue health and plaque control is always a concern.