Is Gum Discoloration Reversible

Keeping gums in good condition is very important for our oral health and aesthetics since their function is to hold the teeth in place. The causes of black gums can be diverse, but don't panic, most are not harmful to your health. Generally, gum discoloration is reversible through different methods including small surgeries. If you are bothered by dark pigmentation on your gums, speaking with a dentist is the first step towards achieving the smile you want!

There are many reasons why your gums may turn black, either in whole or in certain areas. Some are not serious and the black spot on the gum will go away on its own. Others require a visit to the dentist or general practitioner as soon as possible because they require immediate medical attention.

Skin color

Melanin is a dark pigment that gives skin its color. This natural pigment is also present in the gums and can therefore darken their color. For example, melanin pigmentation of the gums is common in people of African, Asian and Mediterranean descent. The color change may occur on one or both sides of the mouth and may be uniform or uneven. Melanin pigmentation of the gums is normal and does not require treatment.

Consequence of the injury

Just as a fall can cause injuries in various places, a hematoma (commonly called a bruise) may occur after a jaw injury. Additionally, eating foods with sharp edges (e.g. chips or fresh bread with crusts), brushing too hard, or flossing incorrectly can also cause blue, purple, or black stains on the gums. Bruising usually goes away without treatment. However, if you experience recurrent bruising for no apparent reason, as well as bleeding gums and nose, it may be a sign of a more serious condition. In this case, please consult your doctor.

Discoloration caused by amalgam

During tooth decay treatment, amalgam residues may have remained on the gums, causing a dark, black stain to appear. Dentists refer to this as pigmentation related to tooth reconstruction. Black spots caused by amalgam cannot be removed, but they are not serious.

 A birthmark in the mouth

A birthmark is simply a mole. The mole usually appears in childhood or adolescence and is more common in girls. It can be black or blue. Its presence on the gum is not dangerous if it does not change. The dentist diagnoses the mole through a simple clinical examination.

Birthmarks do not require treatment. However, if there is a change in shape, color, or size, you should urgently consult a dentist to determine the nature of the problem and make sure it is not melanoma.


In most cases, melanoma is a fairly invasive and rapidly progressing skin cancer that appears in places exposed to sunlight. However, it can also occur in the mouth. It then takes the form of a pigmented spot with often irregular contours, located on the oral mucosa or gum. If you notice such a stain, consult a dentist as soon as possible so that a diagnosis can be made quickly, and the necessary treatment can be carried out.

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