Is Osseous Surgery Painful?

Osseous surgery is a technique used to eradicate gum disease when non-surgical treatment options have been unsuccessful or would not be sufficient to restore the health of your mouth. Gum disease is most often a result of poor oral hygiene but some patients are genetically predisposed to periodontal issues while others may be on prescription medications that negatively impact gum health. In its early stage, periodontal disease is indicated by gingivitis which is the inflammation of the gum tissue.

Gingivitis can typically be resolved and any negative effects reversed when it is caught early. Left untreated, gingivitis can progress to advanced periodontitis at which point the negative impact may be irreversible without extensive treatment.

Why do I need osseous surgery?

When periodontal disease progresses beyond what a scaling and root planing can handle, you may be recommended to have osseous surgery. Bacteria and plaque buildup below the gum line causes the gum tissue to recede and the bone can begin to deteriorate. Osseous surgery can help prevent bone and tooth loss by cleaning out the bacteria infection within the bone and on the surface of the tooth roots.

What is the procedure for osseous surgery?

While it may sound daunting to require surgery for periodontal disease, it is better to have restorative surgery than to lose all of your teeth! Osseous surgery works to clear bacteria and infection from the jaw bone and root surfaces and rebuild degraded gum tissue. Sometimes, a bone or tissue graft is placed as well.

Your doctor will begin by applying any topical numbing agent to the area that will be receiving the injection to minimize sensitivity to the shot. You may still feel a little pinch when the local anesthetic is administered but it is minimal and will prevent you from feeling anything during treatment. Once you are sufficiently numb, the doctor will make an incision at the gum line which will allow them to flap the tissue back and access the infected bone beneath.

Infection and bacteria are cleared and the affected area is smoothed before the game tissue is flapped back and sutured to keep it securely in place.

Is osseous surgery painful?

Many people have a fear of going to the dentist possibly out of childhood trauma or simply assuming that it will be painful. When patients fail to see their dentist regularly for preventative care, problems are inevitable. Most dental treatments are not painful during the procedure but it is common to experience some degree of discomfort immediately following the procedure after the anesthetic has worn off.

You will likely be prescribed an antibiotic to prevent infection and aid in the healing process. They may also provide a prescription for pain management though many patients can manage the discomfort with over-the-counter pain medication. If you experience significant pain that does not improve after one day, it is important to see your doctor for a follow-up appointment to make sure that you are not developing an infection.

It is important to follow any post-operative instructions provided to ensure a speedy recovery and avoid unnecessary complications. If you have unmanaged periodontal disease that is impacting your quality of life, speak with your dentist to see what treatment options are appropriate for you.

What is Osseous Surgery?