Protect Dental Implants from Peri-Implantitis
With a success rate of around 95 percent, dental implants are exceptionally reliable replacements for one or more missing teeth, according to the American College of Prosthodontists (ACP). Just like your natural teeth, implants require proper care to ensure they last a long time. Problems like peri-implantitis, an infection in the soft tissue around an implant, can develop without proper daily care.
Dental Implants
Initially designed to replace a missing tooth, a dental implant has three basic parts, including a titanium artificial root, an abutment or extension, and a crown attached to the top. An extremely popular restoration choice, the advantages of dental implants include:
* Providing you with a normal bite and the ability to chew.
* Will never come loose or slip, like dentures.
* Looks like your natural tooth while never developing cavities.
* The artificial root provides stimulus to the bone to maintain integrity and mass.
Dental implants are not immune to plaque buildup. Bacterial plaque accumulation on the implant can cause peri-implantitis. Peri-implantitis is a gum inflammation around the implant, causing deterioration in the tissue and in the bone supporting the dental implant.
Studies estimate that around 40 percent or more of five-year-old implants can be vulnerable to peri-implantitis. If left untreated, the infection can result in the loss of the implant.
How to Care for Your Dental Implant
The benefit of taking diligent care of your implant is that it will last for years, plus avoiding conditions like peri-implantitis. To prevent implant plaque buildup leading to peri-implantitis, your oral hygiene routine must include:
* Brushing twice a day and flossing daily.
* Consider using water flossers or interdental brushes.
* See your dentist routinely to maintain your gums and bone health.
* Give up smoking, as the habit might increase your risk of implant failure.
If you have had periodontal disease or diabetes, you may also be more at risk of developing peri-implantitis.
Symptoms of an Implant Infection
You will notice these signs if you are developing peri-implantitis:
* Your gums appear inflamed or feel tender.
* Your gums might bleed when brushing or flossing.
Talk with your dentist about any concerns you have regarding your implant.
Treating Peri-Implantitis
If you notice peri-implantitis symptoms, contact your dentist to help resolve the infection and avoid implant failure. Peri-implantitis treatments will vary depending on your oral health, the type of implant, and the severity of the peri-implantitis.
Each treatment has advantages and disadvantages. Some treatments can be most effective working in combination with other treatments.
* Antibiotics: In pill form or placed directly on the infected area, antibiotics work on moderate infections.
* Mechanical Removal: Certain dental tools can remove bacterial plaque and restore tissue. These include titanium brushes and air-abrasive and ultrasonic devices.
* Laser Therapy: Your dentist might choose to use laser therapy to destroy the bacteria around the implant.
* Surgery: The most effective way to treat peri-implantitis, the treatments vary. The surgery may involve pulling back the tissue to create flaps for removing the plaque. Another involves bone regeneration, which could include bone grafts.
After your treatment, you will have follow-up appointments. This way your dentist can track your healing progress and ensure the implant is stable.
A terrific choice for teeth replacement, implants let you live your life just as with natural teeth. Like your natural teeth, your implants need proper care to prevent diseases. Though treatments are available, prevention will serve you best.